SENIOR PASTOR                                                                                           

Bruce & tammy McClure


I was raised in church, however, did not pursue God passionately until after I truly surrendered to His calling on my life. God has done some amazing things in my life since then. He has taken an arrogant, conceited, self-centered, opinionated me, and by his grace given me a new heart and genuine love for others. My wife and I are blessed to help lead here at New Hope as we continue to help rebuild and renew the brokenness of this world. It is my privilege to serve and continue to build God's Kingdom here.

Church Board members

Our New Hope Church Board is the governing body that represents the interests of our Church.  Members are elected by an election committee and then voted on by New Hope Church Members.  The Board assumes responsibilities as a whole as well as assign specific duties to individual members. 


Church Board Members

Dave King Secretary *John Young  Member * Judy Sylvester  Treasurer



Welcoming Sid & Amy Rayford



The Lord has turned my “just playing music” into an offering of praise unto the Most High.  My wife and I met in church, and we have enjoyed leading worship together for the past 16 years.  We are blessed to also serve the community with our martial arts school.  I began teaching martial arts in this area 27 years ago; and several former students who trained as children are now bringing their children to train with us.  This has allowed us to share our faith with many, God is so faithful in giving us a ministry in our workplace. What a journey it has been, and it is all glory to God!